Moonfish Theatre
Riverbank Arts Centre, with support from the Arts Council and Kildare County Library and Arts Service are delighted to announce that Moonfish Theatre are our next theatre-artists-in-residence for 2016.
Moonfish is a Galway-based theatre company creating work in English and Irish that is rooted in the limitless possibilities of the imagination.
Is comhlacht amharclannaíochta é Moonfish atá lonnaithe i nGaillimh agus a chruthaíonn léiriúcháin i nGaeilge agus i mBéarla go bhfuil bunús acu i ndomhan leathan na samhlaíochta.
As part of their residency Moonfish Theatre will be exploring a new style of theatre that allows the audience to physically immerse themselves in the world of the show. No more sitting back in your seats – this will be theatre as you’ve never experienced it before! Through workshops and experimentation Moonfish Theatre will develop a new piece of work, especially commissioned by Riverbank Arts Centre and Kildare Library Services, to be opened in April 2016.
Update April 2016: We’re sending Moonfish Theatre out on the road!
The time has finally come for Moonfish to head out on road to Kildare schools with their new production: an interactive, immersive new theatre experience for children 8 and over. This exciting new production uses the Kildare 1916 story as a backdrop and takes place in the mobile library, which will make stops at schools in Kildare in April and again in September. Keep an eye out for the The Fantastical Time Travelling Library Bus! Want to see come to the show with your family? Moonfish will also be with us for Animagination, on Sat 17th