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Kildare County Council Arts Service has commissioned artists Dominic Thorpe and Emma Finucane to further develop The Creative Well from stand alone visual arts workshops into a year long research residency partnering an arts service & arts centre with primary health care and community services in Kildare. Introducing a studio space and a visiting artist lecture series whilst continuing on with our successful 12 week workshop programme.

Do you want to be creative? Are you looking for a space in the community to experiment and create? Whether you are a complete beginner or practicing artist…or somewhere in the middle, The Open Studio is a place for experimentation, connection, research and play. This is a space were creativity is taken seriously.

The studio will be open each Monday from 10-12am and 1-3pm. All are welcome though places are limited and booking is essential.
email: phone: 045 448316 or follow us on Facebook: Arts In Co Kildare for further information. (For over 18’s only)

Full details of Creative Well Events available: