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Life Under the Cloak by Aideen Cross

Riverbank Arts Centre Main Street, Newbridge

Life Under the Cloak is an exhibition of textile art that was created by over 300 primary school students from 10 Kildare primary schools in collaboration with local Textile Artist/Designer

Seift- Ceardlann Drámaíochta

Riverbank Arts Centre Main Street, Newbridge

This workshop, facilitated by Cian Ó Náraigh, will focus on devising theatre bilingually, with Gaeilge being at the core. Through a variety of exercises incorporating storytelling, Irish literature, and Verbatim



Riverbank Arts Centre Main Street, Newbridge

Aodh has started a new job he doesn’t believe in. There will be no negative consequences for himself, his family, or the country. Fan Linn. Seift is a bi-lingual play
